Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Getting My Feet Wet

Neither on the cutting edge, nor bringing up the rear, I'm joining the blogsphere.

I don't know whether this is something I will have the time to do, or sustain a passion for, or whether anyone will care. But there's only one way to find out.

The element in my universe that seems to be most "interesting" (in the sense of the proverbial "old Chinese curse") is Anglican Christianity. So I expect that many, if not most, of my posts may pertain to that subject.

However, I hope to be more eclectic in my observations, and touch occasionally on a diverse array of topics that may include baseball (the Chicago Cubs, in particular, though there's not much happy to say about them presently), spirituality, the fabric of society, music, and even politics.

Let's see how this works out.


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I'll be your first commenter. I am home after a Vestry meeting checking my email.

    Good for you, Dan, Another sane voice out there!
    blessings, Jean+

  2. Let me be the first to welcome you to the blogosphere.

  3. Let me be the first to welcome you to the blogosphere.

  4. Anonymous11:42 PM

    And I shall be the second. Well done, Dan! I expect to read some interesting things here from time to time. :)

  5. Anonymous11:43 PM

    So, if you are an Anglican priest why are you not in "priestly garb" in your picture? Don't most Anglican priests have beards? You would probably look quite good in one!

  6. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Well hurrah! I never knew what a Carioca was before today, and I'm looking forward to learning much more from you. Welcome (again) to the 'sphere!



  7. Anonymous1:05 AM

    Congratulations! I look forward to many thought-provoking entries and the occassional (unavoidable) "stinker" as well. Don't be too hard on Lucy...

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Its good to see that someone has an idea what is going on in the Anglican church today.Good job!

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Good JOb! I wondered what you had been up to. It is good to see someone has an Idea what is going on in the Anglican Church.

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I`m pleased that you are doing this, Dan. You have made a good start, in setting out your "take" on the situation in a way that is fair, with a slice of of salsa and wit.

  11. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Uncle Dan,
    It will be my pleasure to visit you in the blogg-o-sphere. I truely enjoyed your Brazil travel journal.

    You need to visit the website of my organization and encourage any of your Chicago clergy friends to attend our tenth anniversary celebration. I have merely a few weeks to convince thousands of metro-chicagoans that it would be interesting to come to a free rally honoring civil rights leader congressman John Lewis. HELP!

  12. Cool blog!
    I look forward to reading a reasonable voice from the other side of the spectrum.
    Linda McMillan
    Austin, Texas

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Welcome to the world of the blogsphere. Your sister-in-law...
