Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rowan on San Joaquin

These are the words of the Archbishop of Canterbury, as quoted in a letter from Bishop Venables to the (Anglican) Diocese of San Joaquin:

I understand that Bishop John-DavidSchofield has been accepted as a full member of the episcopal fellowship of the Province of the Southern Cone within the Anglican Communion and as such cannot be regarded as having withdrawn from the Anglican Communion. However, it is acknowledged that his exact status (especially given the complications surrounding the congregations associated with him) remains unclear on the basis of the general norms of Anglican Canon Law, and this constitutes one of the issues on which we hope for assistance from the WindsorContinuation Group. Bishop Schofield has elected to decline the invitation to the Lambeth Conference issued to him last year although that decision does not signal any withdrawal from the Communion. I hope there may be further careful reflection to clarify the terms on which he will exercise his ministry.

There is obviously some "music" behind these words, but I'm not yet sure what the tune is. Undoubtedly, it will become more distinct in time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Fr. Dan:

    We, on Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin Diocesan Council, have been awaiting this letter to Abp Venables, so it is indeed good news to us. We believe it offers recognition as an
    Anglican Communion Bishop to JDS and
    relieves him of the burden of traveling to the Lambeth Conference and be forced to mingle with those who neither respect nor act in Christian brotherhood toward him.


