Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eucharist: An Anniversary Love Poem

Sometime tomorrow afternoon, Brenda and I will have been married 38 years. "Growing old together" is no longer an abstraction, but a present experience. I've never been happier in my life than I am now, and I've never been happier with Brenda than I am now, and I don't mind saying so publicly. Since I didn't make it to the store for a card, here's my little gift.


good gift

we give ourselves to each other
one coincidence at a time,
in the peripheral vision of dailiness
catalyzed on occasion
     with a burst of intentionality

we are given to one another
as hands and clay
as chisel and granite
as river and limestone
the result revealed only over time
     and after no small irritation

and in all our becoming
we are the gift of us
a semiotic herald
of wholeness trumping brokenness
of Hope snarling to Despair,

good gift


  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    This is beautful, Dan+ and since I cried when I read it I have no doubt that dear Dragonfly has done the same! You are quite the guy!!


  2. Well done, Dan. That is truly wonderful.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    A lovely poem, Fr. Dan!!! I had tears in my eyes as I read it, and I send you heartfelt good wishes on your anniversary!

    Deacon Francie

  4. Wonderful. May you be blessed with many more years together.

  5. Very lovely, Dan. Congratulations to you and Brenda. Susy and I observed our 30th this year, so I guess we're still newlyweds . . . .
