Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Technology Note

I'm suddenly finding an unexpected level of comfort praying the Daily Office completely from my iPad.

It requires two apps to make it a fluid and satisfying experience: iBCP and Lectionary. And it would not be possible without the multi-tasking feature on the iPad, accessed by double-clicking the Home button. 

It requires knowing a handful of page numbers in the Prayer Book to get started. But in the spot where the Collect of the Day comes, it only takes clicking on two hyperlinks to find it, and then you can use the Back button to return to MP/EP.

The mechanics of doing this are scarcely more invasive (and may be even less so) than dealing with a Prayer Book (or office book) and lectionary (or Bible). It allows some actual praying to get done.


Anonymous said...

I like the Mission of St. Clare site for their all-in-one choose your rite morning and evening prayer.

-miserable sinner
P.S. nice to see you blogging again.

sam said...

On occasion I use Derek Olsen's St Bede's Breviary on my iPhone.

It's not an app -- though I do have a permanent link that looks appish. Every now and then there's a glitch, but generally it works very well. I would imagine that it would be even better on an ipad.

Have you seen the new version if iBreviary? It is fantastic. I don't use the Roman liturgy of the hours, but the supplemental prayers are really excellent.

Daniel Martins said...

I have used both Mission St Clare and Derek Olsen's sites. They both have their attractions, and both offer a start-to-finish office for the particular occasion. What I like about my iPad solution is that it is virtually as seamless as either of those, but I can do MY WAY! (i.e. with the antiphons, canticles, and prayers that I am accustomed to).

Brandon Filbert said...

Would that Church Publishing would release the Prayer Book Office in a digital format, so that a new generation of Episcopalians can gain the benefits from an enriched Office. I've tried to get them to produce a new version; perhaps now that you have come into purpleness you could put in a word! My old PBO is in pretty tattered shape... but I still use it most of the time.